Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Return, along with a new UI

I've been around, doing mostly real life things, like finishing up school for the semester, doing seasonal work at Disney World, and starting my new internship at a ad agency. So, I went to log on today and discovered something really strange. My Blogger AND my Youtube accounts are both being moved over to associate with my Google account. So I had a helluva time getting back into this, so much so that I was contemplating just moving it and reposting everything somewhere else! Anyway, I'm here now.

Been working on Loremaster of Outland, did Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula yesterday. Working on Nagrand and something else today. Pretty standard stuff there.

A couple weeks ago I got fed up with my crazy old UI and started looking for something else. What encouraged me to do this was actually watching TankSpot's 10m Sindragosa strategy video with Mouse and he kept commenting how he really liked the girl's UI, which got me on the hunt to actually try to do it. With the help of Google, I actually found this addon pack at WoWInterface that contained everything you'd need to replicate Aliena's UI.

I spent about four hours just that night trying to make it look right, almost losing my WTF folder in the process. The next day weird shit wouldn't work. I couldn't get invited to groups, and my BGs wouldn't proc for me. I still can't Need/Greed/DE loot, which I just haven't had the energy to fix, although it looks great. There are a few things that need to be tidied up, like the Cooldowns v. DBM's warnings, all of which I will get to....eventually.

Why are images not working the way they did before? *sigh*

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