You can take that as you will, but it's Midsummer once again. It always brings me back to when I was just starting WoW (two years ago, can you imagine?), running Cucchiaio through Sentinel Hill and seeing the little red huts and the festival pole. Back then, there were no achievements and I really didn't know anything about holidays, so I just did the ones I came across while leveling (in Redridge and Duskwood) and that was about it.
This year is very much the opposite. I was poised and ready for Midsummer because it's my last holiday for the meta. Mouse has been asking, "So, you're done forever then? Like no more holidays ever, right?" There are some Brewfest costumes I want, etc etc. But, the point is that when I logged in on Monday this week I was all about honoring and desecrating flames. Rabidly so. Which is exactly why this is the week that a tornado comes, uprooting my power for a whole night (I was lucky, some people still don't have power).
I did this holiday last year on Cucchiaio. Like, all of it. Save for the torching tossing because, for the life of me, I couldn't do it. Anything that requires being coordinated I fail at (starting to get why I don't like first person shooters?).
Anyway, after a ridiculously long time and a lot of grief, plus some frantic whispering to Nevarcien about how to toss and catch and why-isn't-it-working, I got it. I finally got it.
Also, don't let Blizzard fool you; that's a pink proto drake.
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