Monday, August 30, 2010

Goodbye, Raiding

Just a little look at my UI during Marrowgar 25 Hard mode. I've been working on cleaning it up a bit. For instance, kg panels broke, but I think it looks a lot cleaner without it. I like writing on screenshots for some reason. Makes me feel like Perez Hilton.

I'm approaching my last week raiding with Ruinous. With classes coming up, I don't know how much time I'll have to raid and I do have class during the 25m raids...We shall see what happens, but here is to the good times I had this summer.

Nothing like Sindragosa enraging. Notice how Mitter is just serenely glancing over at the iceblock? She doesn't even look worried...
I've never noticed another guild practice the way this one does. Here we are, practicing the orbs for Halion pre-pull.

Ta da!

Monday, August 16, 2010

When Nerds Have Sleepovers

Kumako and I took the time on Saturday to get together for a sleepover. We haven't done something like that in a long time and it reminded me just how much we've grown up: we've streamlined what we have to pack to just our computers and now play WoW and make margaritas.

We also dance naked for the Lich King.

Recently, Kumako transferred over to Kil'Jaeden and joined up in Ruinous. We haven't raided together since Saboten and Cucchiaio in Naxxramas.

We've also been working on our blood elves, both of whom are level 27.

Here they are in Razorfen Kraul (Downs? whichever one is the lower level one.) Danaë is rocking an Alliance shield and a mace that constantly sounds like she's a cavewoman clobbering herself a man to drag back to her cave. Kumako is finally dressing conservatively. I like this shot.

I've found that as a healer I'm a nice person. I'm understanding. As a tank, I hate everyone. My faith in humanity is gone; you all suck, you bastards. People mess up my pulls and I hate pets. I think I would quit if Kumako wasn't healing. Frankly, this is why I don't play Vigdís as much as some of my other alts. I have to be in a solid mood to try random tanking. At the very least with this set up I only have to worry about DPS being dumb; Kumako is a smart healer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Belf Project, Take 3

It seems like I'm always trying to level a belf with someone. Saboten and I tried it out long ago, with her paladin and my rogue. We made it to level 13 together, and I eventually got my rogue to level 20. I then tried with Mouse and Ith with my priest and their warlocks. We made it to 26. This go-around, Saboten and I are at it again, with her priest and my paladin. We're set up to tank and heal dungeons like no other. We've been a bit broke, lately, so we're angling for some quests. But they are just so boring compared to dungeons...

I'm actually afraid to tank on anything other than a paladin. My other prot paladin is level 35 and I have to say I am really missing heirloom gear on this one. She cannot keep up threat with mages in full heirloom gear. It's ridiculous. I don't have that fancy gear that you have, so knock it off. -_-

Sabo seems pretty excited about these two, as am I. It's just hard to work out time for them between our jobs and raid schedules. Le sigh.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Tree Firm For Me!

So, I got this yesterday. I'm pretty excited.