Monday, August 30, 2010

Goodbye, Raiding

Just a little look at my UI during Marrowgar 25 Hard mode. I've been working on cleaning it up a bit. For instance, kg panels broke, but I think it looks a lot cleaner without it. I like writing on screenshots for some reason. Makes me feel like Perez Hilton.

I'm approaching my last week raiding with Ruinous. With classes coming up, I don't know how much time I'll have to raid and I do have class during the 25m raids...We shall see what happens, but here is to the good times I had this summer.

Nothing like Sindragosa enraging. Notice how Mitter is just serenely glancing over at the iceblock? She doesn't even look worried...
I've never noticed another guild practice the way this one does. Here we are, practicing the orbs for Halion pre-pull.

Ta da!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you can see us standing around in the practice screenshot and how you didn't blur out my name in your skada :D I'm beating the pallies!!!
