It seems like I'm always trying to level a belf with someone. Saboten and I tried it out long ago, with her paladin and my rogue. We made it to level 13 together, and I eventually got my rogue to level 20. I then tried with Mouse and Ith with my priest and their warlocks. We made it to 26. This go-around, Saboten and I are at it again, with her priest and my paladin. We're set up to tank and heal dungeons like no other. We've been a bit broke, lately, so we're angling for some quests. But they are just so boring compared to dungeons...
I'm actually afraid to tank on anything other than a paladin. My other prot paladin is level 35 and I have to say I am really missing heirloom gear on this one. She cannot keep up threat with mages in full heirloom gear. It's ridiculous. I don't have that fancy gear that you have, so knock it off. -_-
Sabo seems pretty excited about these two, as am I. It's just hard to work out time for them between our jobs and raid schedules. Le sigh.
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