Saturday, July 3, 2010

30 Questions about WoW

By chance, I went down my pitiful blogroll and checked out Anea's "Oh, Look an Alt!" only to find out that she'd moved. The first thing I really see when I get to her new home is a bright new layout, new host, and...a meme. I stole it from here.

1. Raider, farmer, PvPer, or altoholic?
I've never gotten into 25m content (seems more impersonal) so I don't like to call myself a raider...I'd say an altoholic, but I have a definite main. An altoholic who achievement-whores on a main? I think so.

2. Favorite raid or dungeon?
Deadmines. I think. Or Naxxramas. Or...I find that I like the ones I did when I first began playing, so Zul'Farrak. I like the Scarlet Monastery now only because it's short. However, with four different chambers, it becomes repetitive to a point where I'm just spamming Scorch/Auto-shot/Melee until everything goes away. However, having done Mauradon, I can appreciate the simplicity of the short dungeon.

3. Number one choice for a new playable race?
 Dryad. I'm a typical girl; I like the pretty races.

4. Class you suck the most at?
I can't tank on a warrior, which I understand to be difficult anyway (a lot of people claim to not be good at it), but I can get the hang of it after a long time. Mages are the ones that no matter how long I play I still can't balance it right. I die easily and began to hate myself. Nadejda is really just a shrewd businesswoman who became a mage to make it easier to get around Azeroth.

5. Original UI or modded UI?
Mitternacht's UI is modded to hell. It's built off of Aliena's UI, with some additional addons. The font is reskinned to Insomiax. Everything is purple/light blue/pink. It's a delicate healing UI which I've tried to use on my alts, but it just isn't good for DPS.

6. Profession you’ve never levelled past 200?
I'm trying to remember if VigdĂ­s's blacksmithing is over 200 yet or not. That'd be the lowest one...

7. Favorite flying mount?
 I just got the pink proto drake a few days ago, so I'm pretty excited about that. I could never really choose a favorite. My answer is "everything but the gryphons."

8. Nozdormu — friend or foe, you figure?
No comment!

9. Useless item you have in your bank that you’ll never get rid of?
I need some sort of in-game housing, so that I might have a closet and subsequently be able to properly house all of my past tier gear and holiday items, along with pretty or sexy dresses I find along the way. I just don't have the space for everything when I'm only living out of some bags. Mitternacht is one of those women who travels with everything she owns, especially her bunny ears.

10. Most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
The mats for the 245 healing bracers and 226 healing boots for Mitternacht. It was sad when she had so little gold left after that.

11. Favorite starting area?
Elwynn Forest, most like. I haven't played too many humans and the area just works well. I level more Draenei and Night Elves though. Azuremyst just tends to remind me why I shouldn't like it and I really hate Teldrassil.

12. Inane goal you worked hardest to achieve?
I'm guessing an inane goal is one where you don't get loot or something to better your ability to heal, dps, or tank. So, I'd have to say all the holiday quests, particularly for Cucchiaio, since Mitter has now completed all of them and now as the drake, where as Cucchi started holidays two years ago and has only actually completed two. Hers seem the most pointless.

13. Darion Mograine VS Tirion Fordring, gloves off — winner is?
...I couldn't say, but my gut is Tirion. No idea why.

14. Game music or your own playlist?
Almost without fail my own music, but then I very rarely just play straight WoW, without doing something else in the middle (I count chatting via WoW not really *playing* WoW). For instance, I'm trying to get Ravi to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh, but yet I am drawn to finish up these questions. Run a bit, answer a question, run a bit, answer a question. So, I really like to have my own music to chill to.

15. Particular option or setting that you always toggle on a new alt/server?
I have to turn off most addons, otherwise I get this.

16. Highest amount of levels gained in one play session?
Four or five in the 40s. In Mitter's last days of leveling, she was doing two levels a day through the 70s. Her last day of leveling was this chant of getting through 78, through 79, and onto 80. I remember hitting it at 4 in the morning and immediately going to heal Violet Hold.

17. Thing you’d most like to experience or see in-game?
*All* of Ulduar. I've done the Keepers several times, but I really want to see Yogg-Saron.

18. Worst PuG moment?
I have the Curse of Fail Pugs, so I try not to pug much anymore. Most of the funniest experiences have actually been in lowbie dungeons with the dungeon finder. Paladins who said they were healing in prot because it meant protection, which is what healing is. Druids who queue to tank, dps, and heal and try to tank in kitty form because they didn't realize they were the tank (this happens more than I'd like to think about).

19. Best dungeon/raid moment?
I've always raided regularly with people that are actually my friends. Daze was never a big raiding guild, but we knew everyone really well and almost everyone was tied to someone in RL for some reason. Near the end, though, we got more and more people we didn't know personally, but that's because the content was harder. So, even now that's still important to me. Best raid moment is probably the night we downed Putricide and then put in a couple tries in Lana'Thel and downed her. Those moments are just fantastic. And it's great to see how far everyone has come since they started (particularly me).

20. Worst quest ever that you totally hate doing?
I have a ton of these and I won't bring them up for fear of bad memories.

21. First thing you do when you hit 80?
Mitternacht put on her Naxx25 BOE boots from Hiryuu, then she queue'd for Violet Hold and had a helluva time. After Cucchi hit 80, I went to bed. I had no idea what to do with my first 80, whereas with my second I had notebooks of gear that I wanted from heroics and how many badges it would take for the best emblem stuff. Mitter had notebooks when she was only level 65.

22. Character (of yours) you would RP as if you had to?
Mitternacht, of course. She's peaceful and a bit maternal, most akin to myself I think. Way more than my other characters...I just love her so much. Cucchiaio always reminds me of how stupid I was about WoW when I first started...

23. Keyboard, mouse, or both for using abilities?
I heal via VuhDo, so I'm a clicker. I started with HealBot and tried Vuhdo twice before disregarding Healbot. I have an iMac, so I have the Apple keyboard and the response time on it is great, however I notice that the keys are starting to stick, so I don't like to spam on it. There are almost no gaming keyboards for Macs anyway and I really love the one I have. It's why I bought a Razer Naga mouse, so that I could reliably toss my spam heals on my mouse. I don't use the number pad on the side for anything more than DPS. My dots are 1 and 2, casted spells 3, 4, and 5. I do use both, though, for healing. Button5 is target for all of my healing characters, which allows for me to use the keyboard for a lot of my other heals, like PoM, Penance, Pain Suppression. The things I wouldn't spam. I think it's a good system, and one that makes me feel that Grid can't compete. I don't have to go far down my action bar to access everything I need regularly. I admit to being a keyboard turner though, but I also run compulsively while I heal.

24. Thottbot or WoWhead?
Wowhead. Thottbot's layout makes me cry.

25. Acronym you’ve seen in chat but don’t understand?
If there's one I don't know, I usually check it at or something. One I still don't get is 'imba.' I guess it's imbalanced, but that just feels silly. Another thing I'm not getting is the "r?" for ready along with its reply of "y." What, you couldn't just say "yes"??

26. Plot point you’d like to see resolved someday?
I'd like to see Jaina not be such a typical, crying girl and I'm a bit curious about the dwarven princess in BRD and her Dark Iron lovechild. I'd like to know more about the races in societal terms, how they breed, raise their children, marry...Regards to parents, etc etc....Another big question, how will the Goblins being Horde affect Alliance transportation in Ratchet, Booty Bay, and Gadgetzan?

27. Biggest thing you’re looking forward to in Cataclysm?
Everything, save for the disappearance of mp5. I want to fly in old world, see the new zones, new races. All of it is very exciting.

28. Guild event you’d like to see?
Not quite sure what this question is looking for, but I'd like to see guild runs for vanilla and BC content.

29. Level range you hate being in?
I'm leveling a lot of characters in the same leveling range, so I'm getting sick of a LOT of the dungeons and zones very quickly. I really hate the twenties. I love the 40s right now. I only play Alliance, though.

30. Favorite map to quest in?
Duskwood, I suppose. It always me of the Nightmare Before Christmas. I also love Sholazar, Zangarmarsh, Tanaris, and Nagrand. I kinda like Shadowmoon Valley, though. I can find reasons to hate all of them, though....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to fill this out. :D I can't believe it's still going around!

    I want to see Yogg too. :(
